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Advanced Linguistic Influencing - Effective Compelling Persuasion

ALI Influence For Business

It’s not what was said that ultimately matters, it’s what was understood, accepted and actioned effectively, that’s important!

George Bernard Shaw was reported to have said....

“The problem with most communication is the illusion that it has taken place.”

What Is Actually Being Communicated….

  •   Is what’s being said true and accurate!?

  •   Is what’s being said helpful and effective?

  •   What reality is being linguistically created and why?

  •  What meaning is being understood and how do you know?

  • For more in-depth detail of the training curriculum and the skills, frameworks and techniques that we train in our Advanced Linguistic Influencing For Business Training. 

    Then simply sign up today for our comprehensive ALI introduction PDF Guide and discover...

  •  The 3 Phases of Effective Communication

  •  2 Easy To Apply, Yet Powerful Listening Techniques

  •  Our Quick Start Guide To Speaking With Influence

  •  Along With An Overview Of 8 Core Principles Required To  Create Predictable Influence 

ALI Business Intro

Live 5 Day Advanced Linguistic Influencing Training

Join us in Hertfordshire - see 2025 dates below

Join us for one of our live 5 day Advanced Linguistic Influencing For Business training events here in the UK in 2025.

These dynamic live trainings are delivered in glorious Hertfordshire an easy commute from London. Please note there are currently only two schedule live trainings in the UK for this year. Book your team members on now, as spaces will be limited.

Email: [email protected] for availability, individual pricing, bulk packages or if you would like to discuss a bespoke in-house option designed around the specific requirements of your team.

ALI Training Dates

"Influence Is Happening, The Question Is, Is It Positive Or Negative?"

ALI Concept
ALI Outcome
ALI Influence
ALI Action
ALI Words Resonate

    Effective Personal Attributes For Influence….

  • Personal Integrity. Looking For The Win/Win

  • Always Respecting The Other Person. Not Necessarily Their  Problem Or Limitation.

  • Listening And Observing In A Highly Tuned Sensory Way. Know What’s Real And Know What’s Not!?

  • Operate With Optimum Behavioural Flexibility. Whilst Setting And Maintaining Aligned And Workable Boundaries.

  • Controlling The Chunk Level. Know When To Be Specific, Literal And Authoritarian? And When To Artfully Ambiguous, Inferential And Permissive?

  • Always Be Interested Not Interesting. Making It All About Them, People Are More Motivated To Buy Benefits For Self.

  • Calibrate On Behaviour, It’s Not What They Say, But What They Do That Matters.

  • Master The Skilled And Appropriate Use Of Subtle, Targeted Emotional Pressure.

  • Consistency Builds Trust. Following Through On All That You Say.

How Communication Works

The way the theory behind how our communication works, is that our words create and direct the flow of internal representations inside the neurology of the listener. The words we choose to use, consciously and unconsciously create an imagined reality, lighting up neurological networks that stimulate associations, trigger meaning, inducing a physical state whilst sparking resonance.

In physics, resonance is a phenomenon that occurs when a vibrating system or an external force drives another system to oscillate with greater amplitude at a specific (ideally preferential) frequency. Energy is energy and the energy stimulated can be incredibly constructive as easily as it can be devastatingly destructive.

Your words have the power to subliminally change the emotional and mental state (positively and negatively) of the listener in such a way as to either elevate them to a higher more effective level of functioning, preferred! Or deflate, demotivate and lower them into a state of doubt, confusion an inertia, not so ideal! 

In learning how to listen more effectively along with gaining mastery over Advanced Linguistic Influencing techniques would allow you to be able to create more consistent, conscious and unconscious agreement. Being able to gain and maintain the ‘yes’ puts you more in command of the outcomes of any and all communication. 

    What Can We Influence?

  •  How People Think

  •  How People Feel

  •  How People Behave And Their Actions

  •  Automatic Responses And Belief Driven Programming

Also, though NOT particularly relevant for Business purposes! What they do involuntarily can also be influenced, like dreaming and other aspects of their psychology, physiology and biology.

Note: Everyone can be influenced in some way or another. 

Individuals who are high suggestible are generally easier to influence. Arrested, stuck, reluctant, or skeptical individuals require more effort and additional steps. Closed and resistant individuals who are firmly opposed to change pose the greatest challenge.

Note: Influencing arrested and closed individuals requires most if not all of the powerful tools that we train. ALI is kind of like Linguistic Aikido! Using an artful form of confusion to introduce doubt so as to break down their skewed, negative and limited world view first, before attempting to positively influence them in another more productive direction.

Because these Advanced Linguistic Influencing tools that we teach are so very powerful. We are very careful about ‘who’ we are willing to teach them to, paying very close attention as to ‘why’ they want to learn them and ‘what’ they intend to use them for. 

When we are looking to influence acceptance and agreement, it’s best when it is driven by an integrity to create a genuine win/win. An outcome that is good of the other person, good for you and good for the overall context or organisation involved. If on the other hand the engagement and interaction is designed to deliver only personal gain, then that is more manipulation rather than influence

Poor Communication V's Good Communication

Poor Communication Can Create…..

Poor and ambiguous communication in business can lead to a whole host of challenges, frustrations and inefficiencies, all of which costs time, resources, and most importantly of all, money.

Misunderstandings and Errors: Ambiguous instructions or unclear expectations can lead to expensive mistakes! This may also be costly in terms of time and resources to fix, putting unnecessary pressure on plant and personnel! Usually this also results in creating a massive unpleasant dent in your profit margin, if not wiping it out all together. And not just on this job but it can cost the next half dozen jobs profit to fill the whole.

Internal Loss Of Trust And Confidence: Unclear communication can lead to frustration and may create a loss of confidence among employees. Eroding trust in leadership, loss of confidence in plans and strategies. Undermining the staffs security and belief in the future growth and stability of their role and the business as a whole. Talent always has opportunity and choice, they can jump ship earlier and easier, where as less talented and less capable staff tend to hold on tight and ride out the storm.

Conflict and Tension: Poor communication and lack of communication can create unnecessary tension! What was said, how it was said, what was thought to be said and also what was not said, can all act as a catalyst to building a storm of resentment! Everyone has an ego and all to often misunderstandings can escalate into conflicts, most people base far to much of their reality on assumptions and rarely take the time or indeed have the skills, to step back and acknowledge the true facts, so as to allow themselves a more resourceful and ultimately helpful perspective.

Inefficiencies, Delays And Disappointments: Nobody told me! When communication is not clear, when it has perhaps been a bit weak, inferential and permissive instead of being authoritarian, direct and literal! Because we are nice people we can all to often accidentally leave an inferred sense of choice in something that was never designed to be optional. “I was wondering, maybe if you would have some time soon, you might be able to…..”. At times communication can be full of contextually inappropriate would’s, could’s, should’s and maybe’s. This can cause employees to not appreciate an urgency or to waste time seeking clarification or worst still do nothing whilst they think they are still waiting to be told. 

Damaging Reputations And Customer Confidence: Quality, Value, Innovation, Expertise, Reliability, On Time Delivery, Speed, etc? These are all things that we could be actively selling to the market place. What is the reputation of the business built on? Promise it and then fail to deliver it, can be a ‘one strike and your out’ situation. It has to be clear what’s being sold? And even more importantly the mutual understanding of what’s being bought? The flow of accurate, timely and relevant information is critical to everyone being able to experience the value and the win. The communication with customers, internal production and external suppliers has to be clear and has to be understood in the exact same way by all parties involved.

ATD Arrows For Influence

Good Communication Can Create…..

Enhanced Clarity: The power of listening well and really paying attention, to what’s said, how it is said and what’s not said, equips the listener with the ability to ask better, more relevant and stimulating questions. When you ask the right question at the right time, you uncover a deeper and more accurate level of information, thus creating enhanced clarity for everyone.

Creating Compelling Results NOW: Linguistically creating an inspiring picture of the desired future success in the minds eye of the people that we are counting on to deliver it, makes for far more predictable results. When someone can vividly experience the excitement of a future success today and believe in it, they generally become far more compelled to create it. This engages motivation, creates alignment and drives positive conscious and unconscious actions.

Expectation And Responsibility: To always have the right people, knowing how to do the right things, in the right way, at the right time and actually doing it, makes for a very effective, efficient, happy and harmonious environment. Human beings have a need to be right and they tend to work better if we clearly define what right looks like and then praise and validate them when they deliver it.

Quick And Effective Conflict Resolution: Highly skilled communicators are often better equipped to spot potential conflict early and to manage clarity and understanding around the key factors that are at risk of fuelling that potential conflict. By engaging constructively with the facts, not getting caught up in exaggerated or inaccurate detail, can quickly chunk up to a mutually agreed benefit. This skill helps to ensure that minor issues are never allowed to escalate into more significant or long term problems.

Creating Flow, Increasing Efficiency: The ideal situation is we communicate so well and so effectively and completely, that we only need to do it the once. Clear, concise, and well timed communication that has been adapted to best suit the listeners capacity to understand, will go a long way to support an optimum result. To create predictability in organisational efficiency and to minimise mistakes and misunderstandings, we require incredibly skilled and flexible communicators to manage and control all key areas and roles within the business.

Consistency Creates Trust: We not only want to be saying the right things, we want to make sure that we are also doing the right things. All that we say must align with the reality that is being experienced. Using inspirational and aspirational language may be all very uplifting but will not necessarily make it so, and saying it again but only louder will not make it any more real. Its all about the actions that follow and support all that we say, that will build consistency and trust. We must always be honest about where we are at, whilst being clear as to where we want to get to and what we are willing to do to achieve it. Then we must, with positive volition, actually get on with it!

Resilient Leadership And Management: In my experience there is nothing that brings more confidence and a greater sense of authority and control than having a mastery over effective communication. To function with a heightened sense of awareness. To listen actively and accurately to the structure of a person perceived reality. And ultimately to be equipped with the skills to uncover benefits and resources that can predictably support, influence and inspire all who we engage with is incredibly satisfying and effective. A Linguistically trained leader can expect to convey calm, confident authority whilst being able to provide clear, effective guidance to manage and quickly resolve complex and challenging situations.

Create The Brand And Honour The Brand: Leaders who are adept at communicating a tangible positive reality, can better manage public relations. The ethos, values, expertise and culture that the brand represents is not an actual “physical thing” yet the more we can influence people to experience it as “an actual physical thing” the more they will engage, nurture and support it. Presenting a compelling image of the company that aligns well with the experience people have had, are having and will have, builds momentum through growing consensus, making supporters and champions of our people and our customers.

Grab A Copy Of Our Free 18 Page PDF Guide And Discover......

  •  The 3 essential phases of effective communication and why they must be done in order!

  •  2 Key things to train your ear to hear to help make for better listening and more targeted questioning! 

  •  Our amazingly simple but effective quick start guide to gaining and maintaining agreement.

  •  And an overview of 8 additional core principles of influence

  • For additional information along with the benefits mentioned above, simply sign up below....

ALI For Business Intro

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