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ATD Sales And Management Training

Advanced Influence And Persuasion Skills Training

ALI Influencing For Business Training

Advanced Linguistic Influencing™

Words Stimulate - Words Connect - Words Empower

Make All That You Say Count!

We can only effectively influence, if we first can truly understand. People have a tendency to answer questions way to early. They think they know and they very much want to be seen to know. Especially if they are in a senior position or are the contextually perceived authority.

As an active listener our job is to stimulate the flow of useful, relevant and factual information. Before we speak we want to know, what what we know to be fact, recognising what we don't actually know yet, work out what we contextually need to know (because we don't need to always know everything) and structure our questions in a way that helps us to uncover, all the required pieces of the puzzle that will ultimately support the optimum solutions the situation requires.

"To Break Down Resistance We Will Be Best Served To Honour Values And Reframe Beliefs" 

A key to influence is to recognise triggered emotional associations and entrenched limited beliefs and not overtly push against them. That which we resist, persists! People will invest a huge amount of effort to argue for what they believe to be true even when that reality is negative and debilitating, they will still want to be right about all that is wrong for them. 

"Moving Them Out Of The Problem And Into The Solution"

Once someones thinking has been loosened up and reframed well enough then they will be open to influence and resourcing. The most effective way to resource someone is to you use positive states that will not only fully support the outcome but are also states that they are already familiar with, consistently good at and can have access to.

As a simple example if the required state is confidence for say public speaking then we would associate them into a thing they are confident in (baking, dancing, surfing, etc...) and once associated, cleverly (with secret linguistic skills) link it to public speaking in a way that they unconsciously accept and agree with.  

If you want to find out more and and are interested in downloading a free copy of our Introduction PDF Guide to Advanced Linguistic Influencing. Then you can by clicking the link below.

Simply 'CLICK HERE' or go to the ALI Training page

in the menu above.

Sales Training

Selling The Sale™

The Advanced 8 Step Selling System

Most people don't like the feeling of being being sold to, especially when it's something that they NEED rather than something they REALLY WANT. What most people do prefer to do, is to BUY, especially if they are buying benefits and perceived value.

Zig Ziglar the renowned sales trainer, speaker and author would often share this powerful principle that suggests 'that a person can achieve all that they want in life by helping other people achieve what they want.' And that really is what successful selling is all about.

"It Can Only Be All About You, When You Manage To

Make It All About Them" 

A couple of the key fundamentals that are required to make this principle consistently work and deliver great results. Are, subtle unconscious Influence along with gaining and maintaining congruent, aligned and most importantly genuine agreement throughout the sales experience.

Always Looking To Gain And Maintain The 'YES!'

To find out more and to download a free copy of our Selling The Sale™ Sales Training Introduction PDF Guide. Which includes a comprehensive one-page flow chart, laying out all 8 steps of this advanced system, along with the list of skills, tools and techniques required to do each step incredibly well. Then click the link below.

Simply 'CLICK HERE' or go to the Sales Training page

in the menu above.

Sales Training

Management Training

Management Training

Effective Management Training

The Creating Influence - Optimising Resources

Delivering Consistent Results

A BAD manager is someone who feels the position and title are there to be leveraged and respected. They usually spend most of their time telling people what to do. Which generally delivers poor results, which they subsequently blame on the staff, the plant, upper management or the economy in general. 

A GOOD manager, may have little management experience or expertise but knows the job really well, understands the skills they have at their disposal. Whilst all the time having the right level of empathy and genuinely caring about their staff.

They can usually juggle a schedule well, but, might not necessarily be good at growing and evolving their team or dealing with potential conflict. This type of manager can spend way to much time fire fighting, get stuck at the coal face and be stressed, time poor and always entrenched in the day to day detail.

Hopes, dreams and desires are etheric! Only skills and resources effectively managed by goals and outcomes become tangible. 

A truly GREAT Manager has a global to specific mindset and knows exactly what the team is currently capable of and can consistently optimise the output of that resource. Whilst having a vision of what their potential is and a strategy of how to influence, motivate and inspire each individual to deliver on that potential.

A great manager will quickly identify problems and deal with them consistently and effectively, making sure to learn and evolve so as to only suffer that problem the once. They will also operate in a win/win entrepreneurial way! Creating the best contextual win for everyone, a win for the company, a win for their customers, a win for their staff and a win for themselves. 

To find out the more specific details as to what we deliver in our 2 Day Effective Management training then simply click the link below.

Simply 'CLICK HERE' or go to the Management Training page

in the menu above.

Executive Coaching And Leadership Training

Leadership Coaching And Training

Know The Way - Go The Way - Show The Way

A person can never make the claim that they are a leader. The title of leader is conferred by others who are open and willing to be inspired to follow. Leadership therefore is a consistent and effective set of actions, not something they ARE but something they are BEING because of the things they are DOING. 

It is often said that their are natural born leaders and at the same time it is also often referred to as leadership skills. Whether a person is born with the qualities of a leader or not is semantics. There is definitely a set of skills that a person needs to acquired and mastered if they want to successfully fulfil a leadership role. 

“Leadership is influencing someone else to do something you want done, because they believe that they want to do it.” 

– Dwight D. Eisenhower –

To be a leader you must know the 'WHY' and the 'WHAT' and have a well trusted, aligned and highly skilled team to follow through on delivering the 'HOW'. Whilst having collectively a heightened sensory awareness of all the possible, positive and negative 'WHAT IFs".

A great leader should never need to answer a question. They will have the wisdom to notice the flawed, ambiguous structure of any question being asked and they will reply by ask the perfect question to stimulate the other persons thinking in such a way as to inspire them to discover their own answer.   

Strong Effective Leadership Coaching requires.....

IQ and EQ in equal measure.

Heightened sensory awareness and strategic thinking.

Advanced listening skills, speaking skills and influencing skills.

And the ability to accurately measure and develop the mindset, attitude, skillset, capability and potential of each member of their team.

To find out the more and to grab a copy of our 12 Fundamentals Of Leadership, then simply click the link below to go to our Leadership Coaching And Training page.

Simply 'CLICK HERE' or go to the Leadership Coaching And Training page in the menu above.

Leadership Coaching

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